To enroll in the Course in Humanistic Sciences for Communication candidates must have:
- Possession of a high school diploma or equivalent qualification,
- Good general culture,
- Mastery of the Italian language, both oral and written,
- Basic knowledge of at least one foreign language.
Mastery of the Italian language will be ascertained through a test which is mandatory but does not disqualify enrolment. We refer to the annual announcement issued by the School of Humanities and Education, containing the indications and rules for participation and carrying out the test, common to all study courses coordinated by the School. We also give adequate publicity of the tender on its website. There are multiple sessions, one of which precedes the start of lessons. Any shortcomings, which in any case do not constitute an impediment to enrolment, must be filled by completing the Additional Educational Obligations (OFA) in the recovery course organized by the School. The orientation delegates are available to give indications and clarifications to students who intend to enroll. Specific discussions on the entrance test are also planned as part of the Open Days.
Registration procedures and deadlines
Useful links