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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Umanistiche per la Comunicazione


Final exam

The final exam, which is awarded 12 credits, consists in the discussion, in the presence of an examination commission appointed by the President of the School, of a written paper on a topic agreed upon by the student with a teacher of a course in which he has achieved at least 6 credits.
The test can be of a compilation nature (writing a short paper, consisting of the analysis of a limited number of scientific contributions, even in a foreign language, agreed with the supervisor) or of an "empirical" nature (writing a short paper consisting of analysis of texts, corpora, collections, films, etc., to be agreed with the supervisor).
The evaluation of the final exam will also take into account the student's overall career in terms of marks and times. For grading purposes, up to a maximum of four points may be added to the average of the exam scores taken; there will be an increase of one point compared to the points assigned to the test if the student graduates within the last useful session of the three-year period and for part-time students within the last useful session of the agreed study path.
In consideration of the important training experience of the Erasmus + programme, the CdS attributes an additional point to the students who participated in this project, achieving at least the minimum ECTS required by the project itself.

The vote is expressed in /110. The calculation of the weighted average means the sum of the product between the grade of each exam and the credits associated with it, divided by the total credits.
Admission to the final exam

To be admitted to the final degree exam, the student must have acquired all the credits required by the regulations of his/her course of study, except for those due for the final exam, be up to date with the fees.

last update: 10-Feb-2024
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