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Presentation of the Course


The educational objectives of the Humanistic Sciences for Communication program are to foster skills that enable individuals to operate across all sectors of media and communication (promotion, advertising, and sponsorships) concerning: selection, presentation, and management of information; interpretation and valorization of historical-cultural and artistic-cultural processes and materials; management and presentation of information regarding historical-cultural traditions; promotion of artistic-cultural events; and valorization of historical-cultural materials within companies/institutions. Graduates of the Humanistic Sciences for Communication program will possess the skills to work within advertising agencies, press offices managing internal communication organs, network sites, newsletters. They will also be prepared for creative careers in cultural sectors: from conceptualizing to realizing cultural events, from dissemination to coordinating installations, bridging technical and creative aspects. Graduates will have knowledge relating to the structure of natural languages, language production, comprehension, and its use in linguistic communication, also from the perspective of linguistic education. Linguistic communication tools are also fundamental for initiating new social communication policies, communication initiatives in the territory, processes to improve the level of transparency of procedures and citizen participation (public relations), and building networks to engage with various public and private institutional levels.



Graduates in Humanistic Sciences for Communication will have the skills to work in various areas of the cultural industry (newspapers, publishing, new media, etc.) and in the cultural heritage sector (events, shows, music, fashion, tourism). levels. The career prospects and professional activities envisaged for this program are:

  • Public Relations Officer
  • Press Officer
  • Corporate Communication Officer
  • Event Organizer
  • Editorial Writer for Cultural Enterprises
  • Audiovisual Communication Operator
  • Creator and Copywriter of Advertising Texts
  • Media Educator
  • Web Communication Manager
  • Social Media Manager



Possession of a high school diploma or equivalent qualification; good general culture; mastery of the Italian language both orally and in writing; basic knowledge of at least one foreign language.

Mastery of the Italian language will be assessed through a mandatory entrance knowledge verification test, but it does not preclude enrollment. The program refers to the annual notice issued by the School of Humanities and Education, containing instructions and rules for participation and the conduct of the test, common to all courses of study coordinated by the School. The program also provides adequate publicity for the notice on its website. Multiple sessions are planned, one of which precedes the start of classes. Any deficiencies, which do not, however, constitute an impediment to enrollment, must be remedied through the fulfillment of Additional Training Obligations (OFA) during the recovery course organized by the School.

Orientation delegates of the program are available to provide guidance and clarification to students intending to enroll. Specific discussions on the entrance test are also planned within the Open Days and program presentations.



The normal duration of the program is three years. To obtain the degree, students must acquire 180 CFUs (Crediti Formativi Universitari). The normal activity of the student corresponds to the achievement of 60 CFUs per year. However, a student who has obtained 180 CFUs by fulfilling all the requirements of the educational structure may obtain the degree even before the normal deadline. The program offers a broad and general educational foundation that, although in a monocurricular context, allows for the cultivation of study orientations corresponding to more specific or complementary interests. Free-choice exams, totaling 12 CFUs, must be consistent with the student's educational path outlined by the program of study. Therefore, the student cannot take free-choice exams before receiving approval of the study plan or agreeing on modifications with the President of the Program. Students are allowed to choose 12 CFUs, and within the Additional Training Activities (Internship, various laboratory options, seminars for graduates) two exams are provided, of choice, totaling 12 CFUs.



The educational offer includes teaching modules each lasting 36 or 72 hours of frontal teaching, equivalent respectively to 6 CFUs and 12 CFUs. Students will be offered the institutional foundations of the subjects taught with particular attention to methodology, and the programs will be commensurate with the amount of CFUs expected for the exam. At the end of the courses, students will take the exams. Assessments with grades include those included between Basic Activities (TAF A), Characterizing Activities (TAF B), Affine and Integrative Activities (TAF C), and those at the student's free choice (TAF D). The study path concludes with a final exam. Exams mainly consist of an oral examination, which covers the course content studied, or for part-time non-attending students, the agreed exam program. The exam may also include a written test in the form of a report or questionnaire. Written and oral assessments carried out during the course may be an integral part of the exam.



Full-time enrolled students are required to attend the course: students who have attended two-thirds of the total hours of each course are considered attending.

If, for various reasons, it is not possible to engage in full-time studies, the student may, as per university regulations, opt for part-time enrollment. For this type of student, the Program of Study, in accordance with university regulations, allows for the achievement of a lower number of CFUs per year, as established by the University Regulation. The Program Board highly recommends attendance, which is considered essential for achieving educational objectives. A student is considered attending if they have been present for at least two-thirds of the total hours of each course.


The final exam, worth 12 CFUs, consists of a discussion, in the presence of an examination committee appointed by the School President, of a written paper on a topic agreed upon by the student with a teacher of a course in which they have obtained at least 6 credits. The exam can be either compilative (drafting a short paper consisting of the analysis of a limited number of scientific contributions, also in a foreign language, agreed upon with the supervisor) or empirical (drafting a short paper consisting of the analysis of texts, corpora, collections, films, etc., to be agreed upon with the supervisor). The evaluation of the final exam will also take into account the student's overall academic performance in terms of grades and time. For the purpose of grading, up to a maximum of four points may be added to the average of the grades of the exams taken; an additional point is granted if the student graduates within the last available session of the triennium and for part-time students within the last available session of the agreed study program.

Considering the significant educational experience of the Erasmus + program, the program grants an additional point to students who have participated in this project, achieving at least the minimum CFUs required by the project itself.



First-level Master's degree and Master's degree.



The classes of the School of Humanities and Education are held in various buildings in the historic center of Florence: at via Laura No. 48, via Gino Capponi No. 9, via San Gallo No. 10, via Santa Reparata No. 27 and No. 93, and at Piazza Brunelleschi No. 4.

The locations for classes are always specified in the timetable for each semester.

The Humanistic Library (including study halls) is located at Piazza Brunelleschi No. 4.




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