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Corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Umanistiche per la Comunicazione

After the Master

Master's Degree

To enroll in a Master's degree course, it is necessary to be in possession of a three-year university degree or diploma - or another qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable -, as well as being in possession of specific curricular requirements and adequate preparation, verified using methods defined in the teaching regulations of the master's degree courses, which also indicate the specific access criteria.

job placement

Job Placement service promotes, supports, harmonizes and enhances the outgoing orientation services of the individual Faculties.
JB offers students and graduates information and training for building their professional identity and planning their career.


It is a database that collects extensive documentation regarding all graduates of the universities that are part of the Almalaurea association. The purpose of the database is to facilitate young people's access to the world of work, make it easier for companies to find personnel, and minimize the time it takes to meet supply and demand for qualified work.

master's degree

It is a post-graduate qualification of scientific specialization and advanced training, following the achievement of the three-year degree (1st level Master's degree).

Specialization Schools

Specialization schools are schools for the achievement, following graduation, of diplomas which legitimize the assumption of the qualification of specialist in the branches of professional practice. They are official university courses with compulsory attendance, lasting at least two years. Those who pass the final exam are awarded the specialist diploma.

Post-Graduate Administrative Secretariat

The Secretariat takes care of all the administrative procedures that concern the university careers of those who have graduated.

Advanced courses

The advanced courses represent a path of academic in-depth study and specific disciplinary updating.

last update: 10-Feb-2024
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